Staying the course

Recently I met up with some friends for a writing day.  Something I highly recommend, by the way.  The conversation turned to how hard writing can be, and how solitary.  Both are true and fair comments.  So I'd like to talk about it here.

A writer writes not only because they want to but because they need to.  There is something deep within every writer that longs to find the light, to be shared, to be heard and seen.  But when the nights get dark, the words won't come and you're sitting at your desk, all alone, you can find yourself wondering why.  Why do I do this?  Does anyone care whether I write or not?  Is it worth it?

The answer is simple, and complicated.

You do this because this is who you are.
You have stories to tell.  Sure, the story may have been told before but nobody can tell the story the way you can.  We are all unique and that uniqueness shines through in our writing voice.  Your voice deserves to be heard.

It doesn't matter whether anyone cares that you write or not.
Writing is important to you and, therefore, it doesn't matter whether they care or not.  Write for yourself first.  If you're anything like me, writing feeds your soul.  It nourishes you.  It fills your happiness well, and that is priceless.  And it's all that matters.  Allow me to repeat, write for yourself first.

Absolutely, it's worth it!
Anything that brings you moments of joy and satisfaction is always worth it.  Yes, you will have moments when you feel like giving up, that it's too hard and what's the point anyway.  As long as it brings something positive to your life it is always worth it.  You are worth every moment of joy it brings to you.

So then how do we stay the course when it seems much easier to just give up?

Find your tribe.
Don't isolate yourself.  Find like minded people you can turn to when you need an ear, that understands your particular struggle, to listen.  They know where you're coming from and will be able to "speak your language" to help you through.  They've been there too.  Start a group of writing friends who can support each other along the journey.

Don't give up.
You will have days when you'd far rather be watching a movie, eating popcorn and chugging soda with the family, and that's okay.  Step back, treat yourself.  You deserve it.  And then tomorrow, get back in the saddle.

Acknowledge what you have already achieved.
In the throws of our emotional wobble we so quickly and easily forget to take into account how far we've already come.  To be honest, this is something I had to work long and hard on.  I would beat myself up for not reaching a self imposed target and find it hard to move past that block.  But with the loving help of cherished family and friends I've changed my perception.  Yes, I wanted to write xxx words by yyy date and I didn't.  BUT I have zzz words more than when I started out.  And that's what counts - that continual forward momentum.  Celebrate every word you've already written!  Then keep going.

You can do this.  I believe in you. xx

by Dorothy Ewels


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